Your commitment regarding the upload
Guidelines for uploading image files.
Follow our commitment
Promote the best photographs of women.
Focus on beauty and not on sexuality.
Present photographs of full grown women.
No bad taste photographs.
No paparazzi photographs.
No pornography.
No advertising.
Upload criteria
Only one women per image (excep for real twins).
The image must be a photograph.
No gif, clipart, drawing or painting.
No people in the background of image.
No advertising on image.
No logo on image.
File type and quality
For better quality, choose PNG format rather than JPEG or WebP.
If you must compress images in JPEG, choose quality 90 and above.
The minimum image size should be approximately 1000 x 600 pixels.
The minimum color depth should be 24-bit RGB.
File naming
Include the name of the professional model if available.
Include (by) the name of the professional photographer if available.
Include (at) the URL of the photographer's website if available.
ex 1: Photo_01.jpg.
ex 2: Model-Name_02.jpg.
ex 3: by-Photographer-Name_03.jpg.
ex 4: Model-Name_by-Photographer-Name_at-Website-URL_04.jpg.